Saturday, August 6, 2011


beautiful sounds
bump and break
to the ground. 


So very far away,
but so very near.
You insist you can not stay.
I insist I can not hear.
Your words are drops
on a shiny tin roof.
My silence, the truth.

To live and love,
Your foe of proof.


Two lover's
take a midnight flight
perched on love's delight.


Confusion fills my empty plate.
I eat my fill till tummy ache.
Solitude is peace I find.
But what of my filled up mind?

The Musing

All I do is sit and stare.
You find the light in my hair.
I'll just sit, to wait
and wait.
For I love to watch
you mix up paint.

A Tea Party

What floats in chamomile tea?
Is it a pretty girl I see?
Lightly sitting under a dove tail tree?
Giving a kiss to each honey bee?
Who lurks in the shadow of our tree?
A masked man of villainy.


me Red.
take me to Bed.
Read me a story.
give me the Glory.
swallow me whole
like something you Stole.